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The Magic Key To Winning Every Argument You Have With Your Wife


Here’s a simple tip that will allow you win every argument you have with your wife from now until the day you die.

Don’t argue.

It's that simple.

Most arguments are pointless, they resolve nothing, and they usually result in the man “losing” the argument anyway so there is really no point in engaging in them in the first place.

But wait…

Let’s back up for a second and examine what it means when a man loses an argument with his wife, because when you look closely at it you will see something that is quite remarkable.

When men “lose” arguments with their spouses it’s usually not because the woman made some brilliant logical argument that persuaded the man to her side of thinking.

But rather it’s because the man gets tired of arguing and decides to give up so he can have some peace. Does this sound familiar to you?

I bet it does.

Here’s the thing you need to understand about arguing with a woman. 9 times out of 10 you’re going to be using facts and logic to prove your point, while she’s going to be talking about her feelings and thoughts as if they immutable laws of the universe that will stand up as evidence in a court of law.

You’re going to be operating on 2 completely different wave lengths, there will be zero communication or understanding, and in the end it’s going to come down to who can keep talking the longest, and that will almost always be the woman.

So don’t engage in arguments with your wife especially since, when you think about it, most arguments are really quite pointless as they don’t concern anything important.

And if the argument does happen to be about something that has a tangible impact on your life, then just go ahead and do what you want anyway.

Remember, you are an adult not a child, so you don’t have to ask her for permission to do what you want, and you don’t have to be roped into doing things that you don’t want to do just because you are married.