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January 23, 2016 By Jason Madison

Follow These 3 Steps To Make Your Wife Feel Attracted To You Again...



I'm Jason and since you've never heard of me before you probably don't trust me, but if you're willing to give me a chance, I just might help you fix your sexless marriage.

I'm a relationship expert who for the last 15 years has been helping men rekindle their wives sexual desire for them, and if you have any questions I can be reached at (862) 520-7206 or if you happen to be from New Jersey feel free to stop by my office located at 120 South Harrison St East Orange, New Jersey Suite 201.

Step #1. Stop Being A Good Husband


Yes you read that correctly...

In order to get the affection you want from your wife you need to stop being a good husband.

But what do I mean by stop being good?

I mean that you need to stop giving into her demands and letting her have her way simply because you want to keep the peace.

Look, I can certainly understand the temptation to simple give into your wife's demands no matter how irrational they may be in order to avoid getting into a fight.

But you have to realize that this strategy is only causing you more problems in the long run because...


You Letting Your Wife Have Her Way Is Making Her Less Attracted To You


Do you know what single quality women love in men more than any other?


And do you know why women like men that display masculinity?

It's becasue it makes them feel safe and this is a very important aspect of female psychology.

Women love to feel like the man they are with protect them and their children in case something bad were to happen.

Now let me ask you another question...

Do you think that by constantly caving into your wife's demands you are displaying the type of masculinity that will make her feel attracted to you?

Of course you aren't.

In fact, it has the exact opposite effect and makes your wife see you as weak, and I know that's the last thing you want.

So if you want your wife to see you as a masculine man that she wants to hug, kiss, and make love to then...


You Need To Stand Up For Yourself And
Start Telling Her No!


Stop letting your wife have her way becasue you want to keep the peace. If you don't want to do something then don't do it and I guarantee your wife's behavior toward you will do a complete turn around.

But what about when she get's upset?

How do you escape her wrath and avoid ending up in the doghouse?

Well that's where step number 2 comes in...

Step #2. Treat Her Like A Child


This might seem a little harsh to you but bear with me becasue once you start doing this your marriage will never be the same again.

Once you put step #1 in to action there will be push back. Your wife will probably pitch a fit and act like you are the world's worst husband, but here's the thing..

Your wife won't really be upset with you.

The thing most men don't understand about women is that often times they use their anger and emotional outbursts as a ploy to get men to comply with their demands.


It's Kind Of Like When A Child Throws
A Temper Tantrum


The child will kick and scream and if you didn't know any better you would think someone was trying to kill them, but if you don't give into their demands they will eventually tire themselves out and go back to acting normal.

And women are the same way.

They learn early on that whenever they cry or get upset men will just give them what they want becasue we don't like to deal with female emotions and hysterics.

So they act out like a child would in an attempt to get their way.

But fortunately, all you have to do is hold firm and you will signal to her that you are a strong and mascuiline man that is willing to challenge her, and this in turn will increase her attraction to you.


Now I Have To Be Clear About What I Mean By Holding Firm...


I mean just tell her no and if she asks you why answer her but then you keep quiet, becasue after that she will try to drag you into an arguement. Why?

Becasue women have an unlimited stamina for arguing and so she figures that she can just talk and talk until you get tired and give in, so trying to argue with her will only play into her hands.

It's like trying to fight an octopus in the ocean.

No matter how tough you are, all the octopus has to do is wrap you in it's tentacles and pull you under and that's the end of that.

So just keep you trap shut and all will be well.

But that's not all you need to do. There is one more step you must take to make your wife feel more attracted to you...


Step #3. Out Cat The Cat


Cats are independent animals...

They almost never come when you call them and unless they want something they pretty much act like people don't exist.

And trying to get on their good side certainly won't help matters. In fact, the more you try to befriend a cat and win it's affection the less it will want to do with you.

And unfortunately women are the same way.

The more you try to get affection from your wife the less she is going to want to give it to you.

So how do you get around this and finally start getting the affection you want from the woman you love?

It's simple...


You've Gotta Out Cat The Cat!


But what does this mean?

It means that in order to get your wife to give you the affection you want, you need to become more aloof and distant than she is.

You have to become the cat that is doing his own thing with little need for your wife's attention.

This is what's known as the "Desire Reversal" gambit and when you start to do this in conjunction with following steps 1 and 2 it will drive your wife crazy.

She will already love the masculine energy you will be giving off by standing up to her and not giving into her demands, but when you embrace your inner cat and start acting aloof and detached it will kick her attraction into overdrive.

She will wonder where your new found demeanor has come from and it will make her desperate for YOUR affection and attention.


The Tables Will Be Reversed and She Will Never Withold Her Affection Again...


You will never again have to worry about your wife not wanting to hug and kiss you ever again.

Doesn’t that sound great?

Of course it does.

But there is still more for you to learn...

Becasue although having a more affectionate wife would be great...

What you really want is more passion, isn't it?

And you can click here to learn how to get the marriage you deserve.

Discover How You Can Get Your Wife To Want You! Click Here







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