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Disclaimer: The results described on this website aren't typical and will vary from person to person based on a variety of factors.


Step 1. Eat Like A Lion

If you want to lose the bulge around your waist, then you have to start eating like the king of the jungle.

But wait…

What exactly do I mean by eat like a lion?

I mean you need to eat a diet that is:

And there are a few reasons for this...

Firstly, diets that are high in fat have been proven to raise testosterone levels.

And this is important because the higher your testosterone levels, the faster and easier your body will burn fat.

But don’t just take my word for it.

There have been numerous studies that have proven this:

Like this one that was done at the Charles R Drew School of Medicine which proves that testosterone blocks the creation of fat cells.

Or this one from the Department of Clinical Physiopathology at University of Florence which showed that men with lower testosterone levels are more likely to become obese.

And then there is the study performed by the Charles R Drew School of Medicine in which a group of men had their testosterone levels cut in half, which resulted in them gaining 36% more body fat.

These studies and many more haven prove the link between higher testosterone levels and increased fat loss beyond the shadow of a doubt.

And this is where the high fat diet comes into play because...

Eating Saturated Fats Is One Of The Easiest Ways To Boost

Studies like this one from the University of Pennsylvania have shown that men who eat diets high in healthy fats have higher testosterone levels than those that don’t.

Now I know what you might be thinking....

Aren’t fats supposed to be unhealthy and increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease?

The answer is no, and...

Here's Why Eating Fat Isn't
Bad For You:

Studies such as this one done at the Oakland Research Institute show that diets high in healthy saturated fats have no effect negative health effects.

Why haven’t you been told this?

It’s because virtually all weight loss information has been geared towards women.

And since women don’t produce testosterone this information has been ignored by the mainstream weight loss community.

But let’s slow down for a second...

Because while eating healthy saturated fats are good for your testosterone levels and weight loss...

There are unhealthy man-made fats that that are linked to a whole host of dangerous illnesses.

And I’m going to tell you which fats you should eat and which you should avoid but first...

Let Me Tell You Why Your Diet Should Also Be High In Protein

It’s because protein is the building block of all muscles on your body.

And if you try to lose weight without consuming enough of it, a lot of the weight you lose will be muscle instead of fat.

And if you want to lose your belly fat, then this is the last thing you want. Why?

Because for reasons that I will get to later, every extra pound of muscle you have on your body increases your metabolism and makes it easier for you to burn fat.

But when you don't eat enough protein your body will actually start to feed on your muscles to get the protein you nedd.

And this will result in less fat loss which the opposite of what you want.

So more protein = preservation of muscle mass = more fat burned =  faster weight loss

Now let’s Turn Our Attention to

Carbohydrates have been the subject of much debate within the weight loss community because of low carb diets.

Some people swear by them while others claim they are unnecessary.

So where do I stand?

I say go low carb because despite what the naysayers may claim, low carb diets really do make losing weight easier, although not necessarily for the reasons that many people claim.

And in order to understand why I say this, first you have to realize that all weight loss is the result of the body burning more calories than it takes in.

So in an effort to lose weight many people turn to counting their calories, weighing their food, and keeping food journals in order to keep track of their calories.

But Who Wants To Go Through
All Of That?

If you're anything like me then the thought of having to measure and keep track of everything you put in your mouth sounds like a huge pain the in the ass.

And this is why I believe that low carb diets are superior for the average person.

The majority of the calories in our diets come from carbohydrates, so when you limit your carbohydrate intake you also lower your calorie intake by default.

And this translates into weight loss without having to go through the hassle of counting your calories.

Now that you know the type of diet you should eat and how it works to get you a flat stomach, on the next page I'm going to teach you how altering the timing of your meals can get you even better results.










This website does not provide medical advice.

Results May Vary:

Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means fat loss results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material, contained on this website is for educational purposes only. The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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