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7 Ways To Stop Your Junk Food Cravings Once And For All!


If you are tired of your cravings for junk food getting in the way of
your weight loss...


Then this will be the most important article you read all year.

My name is Jason Madison, I am a weight loss expert from New Jersey.

And today I'm going to teach you 7 simple strategies you can use to kick your junk food habit once and for all...

So you can finally lose weight and be proud of what you see when you look in the mirror.

But before I can get to that, first I have to give you the answer to the question that has been burning a hole in your mind.

Because if you are like most people that just can't seem to give up junk food, then at some point you have probably wondered...

Why Is It So Difficult For You To Give Up Junk Food?

It's because these foods have been scientifically designed to get you hooked on them.

Let me explain.

Look at this picture and tell me what you see:

Most people would look at this picture and say that they see an assortment of delicious snacks.

But in reality these foods are the culmination of decades of chemical engineering designed to turn you into an addict.

Food companies learned long ago that if you can make people addicted to your product then it's like having a license to print money.

And There Are 4 Main Tactics Food Companies To Get You Hooked

1. Manipulating The Saliva Response

Saliva exists to aid in the digestion of food, but in the hands of food scientists it has become a tool for promoting junk food addiction.

Here's how it works...

The more a food causes you to salivate, the more its flavor will spread throughout your mouth and cover your taste buds.

And greater taste bud stimulation increases the amount of pleasure a person receives from eating the food.

So food companies use special formulas that induce maximum salivation to increase the pleasure you get from their foods and make you want to eat more of them.

2. Rapid Food Meltdown And Vanishing Caloric Density.

Ever wonder why some foods just seem to melt in your mouth?

It's a trick to keep you eating...

This is known as vanishing caloric density and it's the main reason why when you eat junk food you can't seem to stop.

When a food melts down quickly your brain thinks there aren't any calories in it, and this causes feel like you haven't eaten anything, even if you just stuffed your face.

This in turn makes you eat more and more of it, as you try to achieve a feeling of satisfaction that these foods have been designed to delay to keep you eating.

And when you combine this with salivation response I mentioned above you get the perfect recipe for over eating.

And while over eating is bad for people, it's great for food companies because the faster you run out of their products, the sooner you will have to go out and buy more.

This is why it's always so difficult to eat just one potato chip or cookie.

3. Sensory Specific Response.

Eating too much of a certain food can make you tire of it.

This is why you'll love turkey on Thanksgiving but by the 3rd or 4th day the thought of eating another turkey sandwich makes you sick.

And yet this never happens with your favorite junk food, why?

It's because companies use flavor formulas that stimulate your taste buds just enough to make you crave more of the food, but not so much that you can ever tire of it.

So you keep coming back and putting more cash in their pocket.

4. Augmented Caloric density.

Ever wonder how such a small serving of junk food can have so many calories in it?

This is by design because companies want to trick your body into thinking it getting nutrition when you eat their foods so they purposely pump their foods full of empty calories.

This is why when you first eat that candy bar, bag of chips, or ice cream cone you may feel satisfied, but within an half hour your are hungry again, as your body has received a ton of calories but very little nutrition.

All of these tactics take natural biological processes and manipulate them to make people eat more and more.

And once you realize just how much time and effort companies put into making sure people get hooked on their products, it should become quite obvious to you that...

It's Not Your Fault You Haven't Been Able To Give Up Junk Food

It's not because you are weak...

It's not because you have no will power...

And it's not because you lack discipline.

The reason you seem powerless to control your junk food cravings is because large food companies have spent billions of dollars to make sure you can't.

But there is hope.

Because now that you know the tactics theses companies use and you know that they want to profit from your addiction. You now have the power necessary to change your life.

And that's exactly what I'm going to help you do as I reveal...

7 Ways To Finally Break Your Junk Food Addiction

1. Identify Your Emotional Triggers

Emotions are without a doubt the biggest triggers of junk food cravings.

No one wants to feel negative emotions and since eating junk food is pleasurable, many people eat to make themselves feel better.

And the 3 most common emotions that lead to junk food cravings are: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression.

The pattern usually goes something like this:

Feel stressed? Eat a cookie... Feel anxious? Eat a candy bar... Feel depressed? Eat some ice cream.

And the key to breaking this destructive cycle is to recognize why you feel the desire to eat.

Next time you get a craving I want you to say to yourself "Am I eating this because I'm genuinely hungry or because I'm seeking emotional pleasure?"

And if you're only seeking emotional pleasure then don't eat, and I know that sounds simple.

But trust me, just the fact that you consciously recognize the real reason why you feel compelled to eat will make it much easier to resist the temptation.

2. Learn To Recognize Real Hunger

A huge problem with most people who crave junk food is that they can't tell the difference between real hunger and a craving.

But the difference is actually quite simple.

True hunger is a sensation which is felt in the stomach, while craving sensations are located on the tongue.

Think about it like this...

Your stomach wants you to eat because you need food in order to function, while your tongue wants you to eat solely for pleasure.

So if you feel the desire to eat but you only feel tongue sensations, then you are simply having a craving that needs to be ignored.

Now I must make it clear that...

The 2 Strategies I've Just Taught You Have Been About Spotting Your Cravings.

But you don't just want to be able to recognize your cravings.

You want to be able to resist and eventually end them forever, and that's exactly what these last 5 techniques will help you do.

3. Pinch Yourself

Your junk food craving are a purely mental phenomenon.

And if you are able to short circuit the mental process that leads to your desire to eat, then you can stop the craving.

And a great way to do this is with a little pain.

When you feel pain your mind stops everything else that it's doing and gives it's full attention to the pain and remedying it.

And if your mind is busy focusing on pain it won't be able to compel you to eat junk food.

So the next time you feel yourself having a craving I want you to give yourself a good pinch.

And I don't mean a wimpy pinch either.

I want you to really go after it and force your mind to shift it's attention away from the desire to eat.

I know this may seem a little extreme but if you are serious about ending these cravings and losing weight then you gotta do what you gotta do.

4. Do What You Love

Junk food cravings aren't real hunger. They are just your mind seeking pleasure.

So if you can find something else that will be pleasurable, then you can stop the craving in its tracks.

Find something else that makes you feel good and do that instead of eating.

It can be reading a book, listening to music, talking to a friend, or building model airplanes.

Whatever it is, every time you feel yourself having a craving I want you to do it so that you will get the pleasure you want without having to turn to junk food.

5. Don't Allow Yourself To Become Bored

They say that idle hands are the devils playground.

And it's equally true that an idle mind is a magnet for junk food. Think about it.

How many times have you found yourself snacking down simply because you were bored?

Boredom is a huge trigger for craving junk food, but it's also very easy to overcome.

Don't allow yourself to sit around with nothing to do so that you become bored and start to think about food.

For example, one of my clients would always get junk food cravings in the evening when he was bored after work.

So I suggested that every time he gets bored and gets a craving he do something constructive.

The interior of house needed to re-painted, so he decided that every time he felt a craving he would paint one of the walls in his house.

And 30 days later he had a completely repainted house and had beat his junk food addiction for good.

6. Remove Junk Food From Your Vicinity

If there no junk food in your home then you can't eat it, but as long as you know those cookies are in the pantry you'll be tempted to grab them.

So if don't buy junk food at the grocery store, then when you get a craving you won't be able to give in to it.

But for some people this isn't possible.

Because what if you have a spouse or children in your home that like junk food and that eat it when you are around?

And what about when you are at work or at social gatherings and the people around you are eating junk food?

The answer to both situations is to simply remove yourself.

If you are around people that are eating junk food you can't expect them to stop what they are doing for you, but you can leave so that you won't be tempted to get some for yourself.

You don't have to go far. Just go into another room so that the tempting food is no longer directly in your presence

And you won't have to do this forever.

Eventually you'll be able to get your cravings under control and you'll be able to be around others eating junk food without feeling like you need to eat it yourself.

7. Go Cold Turkey

Junk foods are an addiction.

And the only way to get over an addiction is to stop partaking in it.

Too many people make the mistake of simply trying to cut back on eating junk food, but this is a recipe for desire.

Because every time you eat these foods you will be reenforcing your addiction and making sure that the intense cravings will never go away.

But if, on the other hand, instead of trying to limit your intake of junk food, you give them up altogether, eventually you will stop craving them all together.

In fact, most people report that after giving up junk food for 30 days they no longer have any desire to eat it.

30 days is all it takes to kick the junk food habit forever.

And if you can do that, then there will be nothing stopping you from losing weight and finally getting the body you want.









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Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means fat loss results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

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