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The 3 Texts That Will Make Your Wife Want You!



My name is Jason Madison and I am about to reveal the 3 texts that will make you wife instantly feel a deeper attraction to you.

Just send her these texts and she will immediately become more affectionate, more loving, and alot more sexual with you.

So how do these texts work?

They work by satisfying the deep emotional and psychological needs of women that when left unfulfilled can lead to a sharp decline in a woman's sex drive.

In other words, when you send your wife these texts you will be telling her exactly what she needs to hear in order to instantly become both more attracted to you and more sexual in your prescence.

Now let's get started...

Text 1. Open The Loop

Here you want to grab her attention using curiosity so that the rest of the texts can work their magic.

The only purpose of this text is to initiate the conversation and get the game started.

Here’s what to send her:


That’s it.

I know that may seem simple but this little text will have a tremendous impact on your wife’s mind.

She will want to know what you are talking about and it is guaranteed that she will respond with:

“Wow what?”

And that’s when you move on to the next text.

Text 2. Express Your Desire

The goal of this text is to make your wife feel sexy and wanted.

Nothing is more important to a woman’s sense of self worth than feeling like they are desirable, no matter how much some women may try to deny it.

And a large reason why so many women seem to lose interest in sex is simply becasue they don't feel attractive anymore as it is very difficult for a woman to be sexual if she herself doesn't feel sexy.

So what you want to do is send a text that will make your wife feel sexy and attractive while also communicating your desire for her.

And here’s what you are going to send:

“I was just thinking about those gorgeous (insert color) eyes of yours”

This text will make her feel good about herself and also show her that you still find her to be an attractive woman.

And since you are the one making her feel good, she will instantly begin to feel a higher level of attraction for you.

Now let’s move on to the next text...

Text 3. Pace Her Future

After you send the second text your wife will respond in one of 2 ways.

Either she will text you back something like… “awww thanks” Or “oh you’re just saying that”

Regardless of what she texts back your next step will be to take her on a trip into the future with what I like to refer to as a future pacing text.

This text is designed to make your wife imagine the pleasure she will feel when she sees you and make it so that she can’t wait to be with you again.

And in order to accomplish this, you are going to send her a text that uses the powerful words imagine and feel.

These words are powerful because of the effect they have on the human mind as it’s almost impossibible for a person to read the word imagine without actually imaging what you are talking about.

And the word feel taps into the female tendency to view the world through the lens of their emotions.

Just think about how often women use the word feel and talk about their feelings on a daily basis.

So the next text you want to send her is:

“I keep imagining how great it is going to feel when I see you again.”

As soon as your wife reads this she will immediately begin to imagine seeing you again and she will start to feel good about it.

So the next time you see her you are guaranteed to get a warm and affectionate reaction from her like you have never received before.

In fact, many men I have taught this to report having their wives rush into their arms with beaming smiles and practically ram their tongue down their throats.

But you want more than just hugs and kisses don't you?

You want to have that fun and exciting sex life like you used to back when you and your wife first got together, right?